Top 10 Blogs for Seniors to Follow — Total Atlanta Group

Top 10 Blogs for Seniors to Follow

(Aspects on Aging for Baby Boomers)


As baby boomers experience retirement, they have a lot to look forward to. We all know the internet is a treasure trove of resources, and boomers have been on the internet since its earliest days. Today, the internet is a vital tool as boomers celebrate the joys of aging. Besides using social media to stay updated with friends and family, blogs have become an integral source of tips for maintaining an active lifestyle as well as information to navigate topics paramount to their golden years.

There are blogs out there catering to pretty much everything of interest to the senior crowd. Just a short list of subjects you’ll find on blogs with the senior in mind is:

  • A humorous view of aging.

  • Navigating the complex healthcare system.

  • Managing financial challenges.

  • Encouraging a positive approach to aging.

  • Tips for an active lifestyle.

  • Today and tomorrows changing housing needs.

  • Tips to help adult children of aging parents.

  • Senior travel.

  • And much more.

Some blogs specialize in one or only a few of these subjects, but many cover a variety of subjects on a rotating basis. There’s certainly something from everyone. The list and links below aren’t listed with any type of ranking because everyone has their own preferences. Still, we hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

1. The Roaming Boomers:

Travel became a lifestyle when David and Carol Porter took an early retirement. Although this is technically a travel service business, the more than 1,000 articles and blogs have found a loyal readership since 2004. The focus of the blogs is luxury boomer travel but you can still dream of faraway places if you can’t get there yourself.

2. Time Goes By (what it’s really like to get older):

This blog by Ronni Bennett covers a wide section of subjects since she became one of the original bloggers helping aging boomers navigate social issues and interests. On any given day she might blog about Medicare, and then entertainment, humor, grief, mortality, and yet another day about love and sex. Ronnie had a long career as a network television producer and writer. Her generalist approach comes from a background on TV shows like The Dick Cavett Show, Barbara Walters Specials, 20/20, and documentaries. 

3. Baby Boomer Magazine:

This is another general interest blog with the mission of being a complete digital magazine for the baby boomer generation. The categories covered are retirement living issues, real estate, healthcare (insurance, health, and products), fitness and diet; retirement businesses and job opportunities; and travel and vacations (travel mates and dating). Also thrown in are nostalgia and baby boomer retirement stories. Each general category has several deep dive posts.

4. Senior

This is a good resource for people seeking senior housing and other senior appropriate services, both for themselves and their loved ones. While some senior living communities are featured on the site, it also shares information about aging in place at home. Other topics covered are home health care, caregiving, home modification, and home technology.

5. A Place for Mom Blog:

This is another one with the commercial purpose of helping find appropriate housing for the aging. However, it also has a lot of useful blogs and articles. You’ll find articles about leading an active lifestyle and information for family members caring for a loved one. Blogs and articles include Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia news, retirement finance and legal issues, and general aging and health news. If you do want to learn about some senior living communities in the Atlanta area, you can follow this link:

6. Boomer Café:

This is an original digital magazine for baby boomers. It has been providing tips, information, insights, and opinions for more than 20 years. Here, the emphasis is on baby boomers with active lifestyles and youthful spirits. Along with the obligatory information about health, money, and travel, you’ll find a selection of personal stories and a place to submit your own story. Overall, it’s a well-rounded website for still active boomers.

7. Graceful Aging:

This site features video blogs rather than traditional written blogs. It also breaks other traditional boundaries by seeking to entertain and instruct along with being informative. Along those lines, it tackles less traditional topics like driving safety, home safety, and personal safety. One goal is maintaining your dignity as an older adult.

8. Senior Planet:

This is another good resource for seniors remaining active and young at heart. Much of the coverage is about health, sex and dating, art and design, senior style, travel, news, and entertainment. Although it does appeal to seniors nationwide, it is based in New York City and you’ll find some blogs have an NYC leaning. But there are plenty of posting for everyone and no topic is off limit.

9. Justice in Aging:

This one is pretty specialized to serve people with an interest in fighting senior poverty through law. Along with blogs, it has videos and webinars on government safety net programs like Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, and SSI. Also published are issue briefs, reports, and advocate guides for on-the-ground advocates.

10. Can I Retire Yet?:

This blog isn’t only for those who have already retired. It began as a blog serving baby boomers but is useful to anyone wanting to save, invest, or retire. It is written from an older perspective. This is not professional investing or retirement advice, but it is educational and entertaining. You won’t be told what stocks to invest in or how to plan your estate; rather, you will learn something about retiring early. 

Here are two other Total Atlanta Group blogs of interest for baby boomers and those nearing retirement:

Downsizing is a Step-By-Step Approach

Senior Housing: There are Lots of Options

If you need more information or have questions, please contact us. You can also reach us by calling at (678) 570-8123. We'll be glad to help you!

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